<- Home <- Arhive <- Vol. 26, Issue 3, September 2018

Rom J Leg Med26(3)279-283(2018)
© Romanian Society of Legal Medicine

Work accidents and their impact on the health of the employees

I. Hurjui, C. M. Hurjui

Abstract: One of the major and challenging European social policy objectives is security and health at workplace. Under its responsibilities, the employer has the obligation to take the necessary measures in order to ensure the safety and health protection of workers, to prevent occupational hazards, to inform and train workers, to ensure the organisational framework and the means necessary for safety and health at workplace. The supervision of health of the workers is ensured by specialists in occupational health service and by this exclusive prerogative assigned to those with the necessary expertise in this field it involves all the medical services that provide prevention, detection, dispensing of occupational diseases and associated and related diseases but also the maintenance of workers' health and work capacity
Keywords: work accident, health, work capacity, employer, health and safety at work.

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