<- Home <- Arhive <- Vol. 30, Issue 1, March 2022

Rom J Leg Med30(1)66-72(2022)
© Romanian Society of Legal Medicine


A. K. Vasile, B. Grecu, C. E. Cotrutz, A. I. Sin, D. T. Olinici

Abstract: The assessment of the diagnosis and prognosis of cardiac allograft rejection correlates directly with the success rate of heart transplantation. Cardiac allograft viability is influenced both by treatment-related biomedical variables and by the neuro-psychic and social status of the recipients. Thus, a personal history of depression, anxiety, mental retardation, or substance abuse is associated with a higher risk of chronic rejection, responsible for the increase in overall morbidity and mortality. The comprehensive psychosocial analysis of all forms of cardiac rejection reveals the intervention and synergistic action of such social factors as patient education, family and social support, marital status, along with his/her cultural and religious profile. All these psychosocial predictors of compliance have a particular impact on the risk stratification of all transplant candidates. In this respect, it is necessary to identify and describe some objective methods for monitoring the main psychocial factors in order to stream-line the standardization of international protocols. The dynamics of translational research supports the importance of early identification of psychosocial rejection as a key factor in improving survival and quality of life after heart transplantation.

Keywords: cardiac allograft rejection; heart transplantation; psychosocial predictors.

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