<- Home <- Arhive <- Vol. 30, Issue 4, December 2022

Rom J Leg Med30(4)268-273(2022)
© Romanian Society of Legal Medicine


M. Lazar, O. Hritcu, L. Ailincai, G. Pavel, B. G. Ioan, A. Scripcaru, R. Lazar

Abstract: The way animals are treated by humans has been a subject of debate for a long time, but people’s attitudes towards animal welfare are still very different, and real concern for animals has developed in recent decades. The European Union (EU) has some of the highest animal welfare regulatory standards in the world which include general requirements regarding breeding, transport, but also requirements specific to certain animal species (such as the slaughter of farm animals). Although the subject is addressed more and more often, there are still deficiencies in terms of following simple rules at least at the minimum level.
Animal cruelty can take many forms from neglect, animal hoarding, to organized abuse, ritual abuse or sexual abuse. These cases cannot be overlooked as they have been shown to have serious implications, from the great suffering inflicted to animals to their possible connection to crimes and abuse against humans.
Combating cruelty against animals is a journey that must be undertaken by all of us, including the governments and the NGOs. At the same time, educating the population plays a major role in the efforts to prevent and combat animal cruelty.
Keywords: animals, cruelty, abuse, welfare, legislation.

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