Letter from the editor-in-chief

Cristian CurcaIt is our intention that the Romanian Journal of Legal Medicine should reflect all forensic and legal medicine specialties (forensic medicine and pathology, clinical legal medicine, forensic serology and genetics, forensic toxicology, forensic psychiatry, forensic anthropology, identification, mass disasters, etc.), and many other topics such as investigation and causes of death, suicide, death in custody, torture, prejudice evaluation, child abuse and interpersonal violence, domestic violence, casualty, professional decision making, malpractice issues, medical ethics, research ethics, consent, confidentiality, patient-doctor relationship issues, euthanasia, human rights, etc.
Legal medicine has scientific connections with many other medical specialties, such as cardiology, ophthalmology, surgery, pathology, anesthesiology, plastic surgery, etc., either due to the need to determine the cause of death or triggered by professional litigation claims. Our Journal targets specialists in forensic medicine and forensic science, legal medicine and different medical and law specialties, including ethicists and defenders of human rights.
Our day to day activity and the need to present consistent and solid proofs for the justice system, challenge us to carry on the scientific legacy received along with this Journal from our ancestors as a chronicler of legal medicine and a forum for forensic scientists, scientific debates, case presentations and reviews, bringing together a professional community of ideas and experiences not just in our country but abroad also.
The world of forensic science, forensic medicine, legal medicine and nowadays medical technology and ethics of a more complicate relationship doctor-patient seems to be a different place than before. However, the scientific spirit remain the same and the Romanian Journal of Legal Medicine can be looked upon since 1936 as a scientific symbol of our tradition, hopes and ideals, such as justice, scientific truth, protection of vulnerable persons and human rights.
Sharing your important and interesting work with us and with our Journal and lecturing or citing ideas and data collected from the RJLM will be the positive feedback we hope to receive.
Best wishes,

professor George Cristian Curca, MD, Ph.D.

Director of the National Institute of Legal Medicine Mina Minovici Bucharest
Chief of the Legal Medicine and Bioethics Chair, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila, Bucharest
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