Founder President
Honorary member of Romanian Academy
Vladimir Belis
Emeritus Members
Prof. Dr. Milan Dressler,
Associate professor Natalia Drugescu
President: Acad. Vladimir Belis
Vice-president: Prof. Dr. Vasile Astarastoae
Vice-president: Prof. Dr. Alexandra Enache
Management Board
Salem Abdo, MD
Octavian Buda, Professor
Diana Bulgaru - Iliescu, Professor
Valentin Gheorghiu, Associate professor
Beatrice Ioan, Professor
Bogdan Malinescu, MD
Gabriel Mihalache, Associate professor
Silviu Morar, Professor
Dan Perju-Dumbrava, Professor
Roxana Zavoi, Professor
Profesional secretary: George Cristian Curca, Professor
Scientific secretary: Carmen Grigoriu, Associate professor
Ionut Popescu, senior lecturer
"Professor Nicolae Minovici (1868-1941)

was an important personality in the history of medicine in Romania as well as in Europe. 

He got his Ph.D. in France in 1896 (“Tatoos in Romania”), he continued with scholarships between 1899-1901 in Berlin with professors Strassman, Virchow, Lepman and in France with professors Paul Garnier, Magnan and Manoeuvrier. He published in his life more than 100 scientific papers, an important Manual of technique in legal medicine, published initially in 1924, still acknowledged as a reference in the field; he was a very determined experimental researcher (his self-hanging experiments during 1900-1904 are nowadays well known).  

But he was also a manager and an entrepreneur. He was the founder of the emergency medicine practice in Romania which he managed by creating the Ambulance foundation in 1906 (which he supported mainly from his personal funds) and later on of the Ambulance institution and of the Emergency-Medicine Hospital in Bucharest in 1934 which was constructed after his plans and idea; creator of  the Legal Medicine Institute in Cluj Napoca- in 1919, the second institute in Romania after the institute in Bucharest, 1892; involved in the project aimed to eradicate beggary in Bucharest at his idea between 1902-1907; developer of the museum of Romanian national art 1904-1905 that can be found at the Minovici family Villa, which he finally donated to the city of Bucharest in 1936; mayor of Bucharest’s Blue district in 1926, when he strived for a modern European city ("Minovici throw down wreck, Minovici a heck"); mayor of Baneasa village from 1934 (the entire surroundings area of Bucharest at that time); President of the Medical College of Romanian Physicians to begin with 1938 until his death. 

In 1936 he considered that forensic pathologists in Romania need a professional society and a scientific tribune as a Journal for the benefit and development of the forensic medicine and forensic pathology speciality and therefore he founded the Association of Forensic Pathologists and its Journal, named Legal medicine Journal. The emblem and the logo of the Society were imagined by the founder himself and stated clearly for "Lux in tenebris" as the main legal medicine aim and scope.

In 1940 the Association of Forensic Pathologists and its Journal was suspended due to the World War II also throughout the entire communist era until 18.08.1992 when professor Vladimir Belis, honorary member of Romanian Academy, gave rebirth to both Association and Journal, renaming the Association of Forensic Pathologists as Society of Legal Medicine in Romania, and the Journal of Legal medicine as Romanian Journal of Legal Medicine which finally became ISI Thomson Reuters indexed from 2007, IF 0,320 in 2018.  

Nowadays Romanian Journal of Legal Medicine is presenting itself to the scientific media with a new cover and a new concept covering legal medicine and all its fields, experimental medicine, medical ethics, bioethics and humanities."


Office adress: Institutul National de Medicina Legala Mina Minovici, sos. Vitan Barzesti 9, sector 4, 042122 Bucharest, Romania; Fax 0040213346260


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